Entries tagged - "shifgrethor"

Shifgrethor IV: Tracing

The post before this one covered how shifgrethor handles rooting: how we track for the garbage collector that this object is alive. That isn’t sufficient for implementing a tracing garbage collector though: the idea of a tracing garbage collector is that we can trace from rooted objects through all of the objects they reference. That way, instead of having to root everything you use, you can only root a few objects from which all of the live objects can be traced.…

Shifgrethor III: Rooting

After the digression in the previous post, it’s time to get back to what I promised in the first post: a look at how shifgrethor handles rooting. Shifgrethor’s solution is somewhat novel and takes advantage of some of Rust’s specific features, so I want to start by looking briefly at some of the other options. How to root a GC’d object There are two broad categories of rooting strategies that are common among precise, tracing garbage collectors:…

Shifgrethor II: Notes on tracing garbage collectors

In the previous post I said that in the second post in the series we’d talk about how rooting works. However, as I sat down to write that post, I realized that it would be a good idea to back up and give an initial overview of how a tracing garbage collector works - and in particular, how the underlying garbage collector in shifgrethor is implemented. In the abstract, we can think of the memory of a Rust program with garbage collection as being divided into three sections: the stack, the “unmanaged” heap, and the “managed” heap.…

Shifgrethor I: Garbage collection as a Rust library

I’m really excited to share with you an experiment that I’ve been working on for the past 5 or 6 weeks. It’s a Rust library called shifgrethor. shifgrethor implements a garbage collector in Rust with an API I believe to be properly memory safe. I’ll be going through all of the technical details in future blog posts, so I want to kick this series off with a high level overview of the project’s purpose and design decisions.…