Entries tagged - "deadlock"

FuturesUnordered and the order of futures

In my previous post, I wrote about the distinction between “multi-task” and “intra-task” concurrency in async Rust. I want to open this post by considering a common pattern that users encounter, and how they might implement a solution using each technique.

Let’s call this “sub-tasking.” You have a unit of work that you need to perform, and you want to divide that unit into many smaller units of work, each of which can be run concurrently. This is intentionally extremely abstract: basically every program of any significance contains an instance of this pattern at least once (often many times), and the best solution will depend on the kind of work being done, how much work there is, the arity of concurrency, and so on.

  • Using multi-task concurrency, each smaller of work would be its own task. The user would spawn each of these tasks onto an executor. The results of the task would be collected with a synchronization primitive like a channel, or the tasks would be awaited together with a JoinSet.

  • Using intra-task concurrency, each smaller unit will be a future run concurrently within the same task. The user would construct all of the futures and then use a concurrency primitive like join! or select! to combine them into a single future, depending on the exact access pattern.

Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. Spawning multiple tasks requires that each task be 'static, which means they cannot borrow data from their parent task. This is often a very annoying limitation, not only because it might be costly to use shared ownership (meaning Arc and possibly Mutex), but also because even if it isn’t going to be problematic in this context to use shared ownership, (I’d love to see this change! Cheap shared ownership constructs like Arc and Rc should have non-affine semantics so you don’t have to call clone on them.)

When you join multiple futures, they can borrow from state outside of them within the same task, but as I wrote in the previous post, you can only join a static number of futures. Users that don’t want to deal with shared ownership but have a dynamic number of sub-tasks they need to execute are left searching for another solution. Enter FuturesUnordered.

FuturesUnordered is an odd duck of an abstraction from the futures library, which represents a collection of futures as a Stream (in std parlance, an AsyncIterator). This makes it a lot like tokio’s JoinSet in surface appearance, but unlike JoinSet the futures you push into it are not spawned separately onto the executor, but are polled as the FuturesUnordered is polled. Much like spawning a task, every future pushed into FuturesUnordered is separately allocated, so representationally its very similar to multi-task concurrency. But because the FuturesUnordered is what polls each of these futures, they don’t execute independently and they don’t need to be 'static. They can borrow surrounding state as long as the FuturesUnordered doesn’t outlive that state.

In a sense, FuturesUnordered is a sort of hybrid between intra-task concurrency and multi-task concurrency: you can borrow state from the same task like intra-task, but you can execute arbitrarily many concurrent futures like multi-task. So it seems like a natural fit for the use case I was just describing when the user wants that exact combination of features. But FuturesUnordered has also been a culprit in some of the more frustrating bugs that users encounter when writing async Rust. In the rest of this post, I want to investigate the reasons why that is.