Entries tagged - "async"

Asynchronous Destructors

The first version of async/await syntax is in the beta release, set to be shipped to stable in 1.39 on November 7, next month. There are a wide variety of additional features we could add to async/await in Rust beyond what we’re shipping in that release, but speaking for myself I know that I’d like to pump the breaks on pushing forward big ticket items in this space. Let’s let the ecosystem develop around what we have now before we start sprinting toward more big additions to the language.…

Update on await syntax

In my previous post I said that the lang team would be making our final decision about the syntax of the await operator in the May 23 meeting. That was last Thursday, and we did reach a decision. In brief, we decided to go forward with the preliminary proposal I outlined earlier: a postfix dot syntax, future.await. For more background, in addition the previous post on my blog, you can read this write up about some of the trade offs from April.…

A final proposal for await syntax

This is an announcement regarding the resolution of the syntax for the await operator in Rust. This is one of the last major unresolved questions blocking the stabilization of the async/await feature, a feature which will enable many more people to write non-blocking network services in Rust. This post contains information about the timeline for the final decision, a proposal from the language team which is the most likely syntax to be adopted, and the justification for this decision.…

for await loops (Part I)

The biggest unresolved question regarding the async/await syntax is the final syntax for the await operator. There’s been an enormous amount of discussion on this question so far; a summary of the present status of that discussion and the positions within the language team is coming soon. Right now I want to separately focus on one question which impacts that decision but hasn’t been considered very much yet: for loops which process streams.…

The Waker API II: waking across threads

In the previous post, I provided a lot of background on what the waker API is trying to solve. Toward the end, I touched on one of the tricky problems the waker API has: how do we handle thread safety for the dynamic Waker type? In this post, I want to look at that in greater detail: what we’ve been doing so far, and what I think we should do.…

The Waker API I: what does a waker do?

Work on supporting async/await in Rust continues to progress rapidly. I’m hoping to write a retrospective on everything that happened in 2018 in a few weeks. Right now we’re closing in on an important milestone: stabilizing the futures API that will be used to interact programmatically with asynchronous computations. The biggest remaining area of work is the design of the waker API, an essential but somewhat opaque part of how our asynchronous programming system works.…

Wherefore art thou Romio?

This blog post is about a project called Romio that I’ve been working on over the past two or three weeks. Romio is a port of a small part of the Tokio project to the newer futures APIs. I started the project to get some experience porting code from the old futures API to the new API. However, we realized that this code could also be useful to other people who want to experiment with networking code using the new async/await syntax, so with the help of others we polished it up during the RustFest Rome “impl days” and now its being released for people to experiment with.…

Making progress in await syntax

One thing we’ve left as an unresolved question so far in the matter of async/await syntax is the exact final syntax for the await operation. In the current implementation, awaits are written using a compiler plugin: async fn foo() { await!(bar()); } This is not because of any technical limitation: the reason we have done this is that we have not decided on the precise, final syntax for the await operation.…

Async Methods II: object safety

Last time, we introduced the idea of async methods, and talked about how they would be implemented: as a kind of anonymous associated type on the trait that declares the method, which corresponds to a different, anonymous future type for each implementation of that method. Starting this week we’re going to look at some of the implications of that. The first one we’re going to look at is object safety.…

Async Methods I: generic associated types

Async/await continues to move along swimmingly. We’ve accepted an RFC describing how the async/await syntax will work in Rust, and work is underway on implementing support for it in the compiler. We’re hopeful that users will be able to start experimenting with the syntax on nightly by early July. The RFC for async/await didn’t address one important thing: async methods. It is very important for people defining libraries to be able to define traits that contain async functions, like this:…